Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why I'm trying to be a "Natural Nancy..."

Let me first start by saying why I decided to start this blog. The first word that comes to mind is "accountability," but let's start a little earlier than that...

My original interest (or forced interest!) in all things natural came many years ago, before the big organics boom... before it was "normal" to have gross tasting toothpaste, razor blade crystal shaped deodorant, and sandpaperesque grains. A member of my family encountered some health issues which spurred an instant change in our diet, our soap, and yes, our toothpaste. The positive health changes became apparent, if not miraculous, and that was proof enough for me.

At first I, like so many people, resisted the change because it was, after all, change. I thought it was just another phase and not worth the raw armpits. Luckily, organic/natural things have come a long way, and so has my thinking.

Since that original push, I did what I could here and there to keep up the natural lifestyle. I was blessed to marry someone who encouraged and supported my efforts. That, accompanied by finding out I was pregnant a few months into our marriage, motivated me to deepen my attempt at living more naturally. That being said, I am the farthest thing from an expert. I have learned a lot, but the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. I would have never imagined that taking on a task that sounds so simple "living as close to the earth as possible," would become so complex. It has taken some serious shifts in my way of thinking, and I am continually shocked by new information. I have taken on the motto of doing what I can, when I can. Basically meaning, don't become overwhelmed by all I want to change. Any step, even baby steps, are steps toward an organic future. Some days I feel like conquering the world (and all it has to offer!); making a meal COMPLETELY from scratch (no jars, cans, or pre-packaged seasonings allowed!) then cleaning up with some home-made potion... but almost as often, I just want to crack open a can of cream of mushroom, clean up with the cheapest store bought chemical cleaner, and call it a day.

This is where I come back to "accountability." I was flipping through a new book that my Mother passed on to me SECRETS OF THE SPAS which is full of recipes for homemade beauty products. I immediately got that tingly, inspired, world at my fingertips feeling. I then began thinking of how much it was going to cost building up a stash of jars, ingredients, etc, not to mention how much time it was going to take. I lost all my steam before I could even set sail. That's when I realized, I needed someone to be accountable to. I needed something that would force me to keep trucking in my natural adventures. Money, time, patience, and knowledge are ALL real factors for me. These are all things I possess a limited amount of. I am starting this blog as a pledge to whoever may happen across it, but mostly to myself, that I can, and will do this!

I have encountered several people who wholeheartedly believe organic living is a gimmick. To that, I can only draw from my own personal experience, research, and health. All of that aside, I just have this overwhelming feeling that living closer to the Earth was what we were intended to do... I am not in anyway creating this blog as a means to be controversial, pushy, or pretentious. These are just my beliefs.

Thanks for your interest!!!

1 comment:

  1. Go Brittney, I love the new site! Keep it going -I am so proud of you for diving in and tackleing this huge subject.
